
I am a final year undergraduate student pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering at IIIT Hyderabad.

I am a simple, friendly and an ambitious person. I love to draw and paint, swim, eat dishes that I cook myself and hang out with friends. Technology and aesthetics interest me a lot. I also love to travel and discover new places, and meet new people.

Recently, I did my summer internship at Google. I worked as a Software Engineering Intern with Dasher Reporting Team at Google Hyderabad Office. I got to work on an exciting project with cool engineers, making it an awesome experience. I also got selected for Google Summer of Code 2014 and contributed to open source community under Benetech.

Here is the link to my Resume.


  • Coding
    I love solving algorithmic challenges and puzzles. I have been coding for the past 4 years in different languages like C, C++, Java and python, and have worked on major coding projects.
  • Machine Learning
    I find this field quite interesting and have taken advanced courses and done challenging projects. I feel there is a lot of scope for research and innovation in the field of ML.
  • Data Mining
    I love playing with data. I have worked on projects that involved data analysis of huge datasets, and then applying ML to find solutions to challenging research problems.
  • Open Source Contribution
    I love contributing to open source community. I have been contributing voluntarily to Benetech(non-profit org) codebase ever since I got selected for Google Summer of Code 2014.
  • Teaching
    I find teaching a very satisfying and learning experince. I have been the Teaching Assistant for AI, Database Systems and Mathematics courses.
  • Travel
    I am very enthusiastic about travel, going to new places and meeting new people. I aim to visit every exciting place in India within the next 2 years.


Given are some of the major projects I have worked on during the last 3 years. I have coded these projects mainly in C++, Java or Matlab. The source code for most of these projects can be found on my github profile.

Automated Reporting Backend

Worked on automating the re-running of Analytics pipeline which reads data provided by different Application teams like gmail, gplus and integrate into Dasher Reporting Backend.

Automated Semantic Tagging of Speech and Audio data

Worked to build a machine learning algorithm to automatically tag the unknown audio and speech data into different semantic categories.

Wikipedia Search Engine

Designed a scalable and efficient search engine using 40GB of Wikipedia data.

Face Recognition Tool

Worked on a real time system that can locate and track a subject’s head, and recognize the person by comparing characteristics of the face to those of known individuals, by projecting face images into a feature space that preserves the eigenfaces.

File Transfer Application Layer Protocol

Developed an application layer transfer protocol with support for file upload/download and indexed searching, using both TCP and UDP protocols.


Designed an app called Facetube that tries to bring all the youtube videos posted on facebook groups, of which you are a member, to one place. You can custom build your playlist and play it, without having to go and click each video posted in your fb group every time you want to listen.

Compiler for Decaf language

The project involved writing a parser for parsing the source code and detecting any errors, constructing an AST of the given source code, and generating IR code from each of the nodes in the AST, and then evaluating this IR, using LLVM.